Epic Speed Metal
Grave Digger, Dragony, Seasons In Black, Ingrimm, Pain Is, Don't Drop The Sword and more | 94350 Falkenfels
Stormhammer, Don' Drop The Sword, Ravenfield | Reitknechtstr. 6, Munich
MatriX Königsbrunn, Alter Postweg 2, 86343 Königsbrunn
Don't Drop The Sword, Hürlement, Biwo | Sonic, Dorfener Str. 13, 85435 Erding
Mysterica, Don't Drop The Sword, Wanted Inc. | Eventhall Airport Obertraubling, Ernst-Frenzel-Str. 16, Obertraubling, Germany
Elvenpath, Don't Drop The Sword and more... | Oberursel, Frankfurt am Main